Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meet the Parents- Protector Style.

So, even though it is early into my new love affair with The Protector, I took a huge step.

A few weeks ago, I said something I haven't said for 8 years...

"I'm going to meet my boyfriends parents today."

The last time I met parents, it was my exhusbands parents and that was at least 8 years ago.  I remember it well.. we were sitting in his basement watching a movie, and his mom walked in the room and he said "Mom, this is Lish.".  Thats it.  She seemed on the fence about me, until about the time that we got serious (and by serious I mean talking about getting engaged) and then she adored me.. until we split up and she got all "take that bitch for everything shes got"- you know, like my used sofa and $100 tv.

My 'relationships' in the past year and a half have been fleeting, so its never come to this step, and the only one guy I would have considered a boyfriend..well his mother seemed less than impressed that he decided to date a girl who lived 4 hours away, covered in tattoos and I was less than impressed with her attitude and kinda never wanted to meet her, no matter how hard it was pushed. 

Everything with The Protector is different.  I was a ball full of nerves, only made more so when I realized I'd be meeting his younger sister as well.  And even more so when I found out his aunt and her boyfriend would be there.   I went from casually saying 'hi' to a boyfriends mom almost a decade ago, to having an acutal sit down dinner with family with this guy. 

The scariest part of all?  They all LOVED me.  They had smart, polite questions about my tattoos, and we actually had real life conversation.  They didn't judge me or look down on me or treat me like I was this horrible, negative infulence on their son. 

Ok, I get it may sound crazy, but I've never done well with parents before.. and that was long before I was heavily tattooed, and after the critisizm that Lawyer Mans (previously referred to as Sir Hustler) mother had about me, sight unseen, it was even more nerve inducing then I would have thought.  But, The Protector is good people, and he comes from a line of good people, it would seem.   People that love and enjoy art and actually (gasp) get to know someone before forming an opinion of them.  I felt very welcomed in what would normally be a very uncomfortable situation for me- and it was lovely.

So, thats why in a month and a halfs time, I agreed to go to his sisters wedding with him.. in Wiscoinsin.  Surrounded by family, in a sleeveless dress with tattoos shown to the world (and covered in sunscreen, of course).