Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In A Galaxy Far Far Away...(pt 1)

This shit is about to get epic up in there.

This is the long awaited story...of a man.. in a galaxy far far away... with Star Wars Tattoos.

Ok, for real though, he does live like a half hour away but when communication is lacking, and hes kind of a ho' it really does feel like its a galaxy far far away and sometimes the only thing that can pull you away is the force.

Soon after splitting with my husband, I decided to enter the world of online dating. Plentyoffish.com- and this is not a recommendation, which we will find out later why. I see this guy with a beautiful full beard and in his online profile it says that all the tattoos on his right arm are Star Wars Oriented. Ok, so if we know me, we know I love beards, Star Wars, and tattoos, so I very quickly mark him as a 'favorite' which prompts him to send me a message.. and then his phone number. Which leads to us texting for a few hours... and meeting the next day.

Again, if we know me, we know I move fast from time to time. And the Star Wars Tattoos and I did move very fast- 'nuff said, right? We don't need all the gory details, but I felt a pretty decent connection with this guy right off the bat. I even went up the next weekend and hung out with him, Saturday night into Sunday. I noticed a funny thing he kept saying after most conversations we had. He would mention a girls name, tell a story and then inevitably say "and then I fucked her". umm.. what? So your trying to get to know me, possibly date me, and you want to tell me about all these girls you slept with.

So on my way home Sunday, he and I were texting a little bit and I said "you don't really seem like a one woman kind of guy" and he goes into a very long explanation of how yes he slept with these girls and that if it was something bad he wouldn't have told me about it, how he would have tried to hide it.

This Star Wars saga has more then 6 tales to it, unfortunately, so I will have to tell them slowly, bit by bit. I wanted to just start off with a little taste to show you what we are up against here. Look forward to many more, and much better stories about this one to come in the near future.

Happy Valentines Day, Loser!

Isn't it customary for a single person to complain about being single on Valentines Day?

Here is my custom then.

I actually got way too involved in everything else in my life to really think about the Hallmark Holiday today. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks, so I was at the Doctors Office today. I invested my energy otherwise in quitting smoking and getting prescriptions and catching up with a friend rather then dwelling on the fact that I had to feel good or bad about today.

The only thing that really occurred to me was the fact that its just a normal day to me and there was nothing special about it. D and I had this amazing evening planned where we got trashed and made fun of couples but I am neither in the health or have the funding to do this, so it really is just a normal Tuesday, other then the fact that my health sucks and Human Centipede 2 came out on DVD. I didn't get flowers today, but I never get flowers. I didn't get a card today, but I don't usually get cards. I didn't get candy today, but my mom bought me candy this past weekend since I was sick. For the first time, other then the annoying Facebook posts about what day it was, it was just a normal fucking day. For some reason, I found this amazing.

I have to say, a few things did cross my mind and maybe they always do and I just acknowledged them more due to the date. I recall getting flowers for Valentines Day, back when I had a someone special. I recall getting my heart broken several, several times in the past few weeks, months, years, and how each one of them felt, painful but completely different every time. I recall the single Valentines days of the past and how I wanted nothing more then to not be alone, and the fact that today I didn't really mind it quite so much because I have people who care about me, even if they aren't a boyfriend or a husband.

I know, we get a little serious, we get a little cheesy and I do plan to follow this up with a more lighthearted blog about a douche lord I dated, but for now I will just rejoice in the fact that its Valentines Day, I'm single and I don't want to kill myself.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Men In Song

One day at work, I said to my friend and coworker "Yeah I'm not sure how its going with him. I never do. Dude is like a fucking Katy Perry song- hot and cold." Since this day, not only have I cursed Katy Perry every time I hear her on the radio, but I find myself constantly making comparisons from men to recording artists that sum up best the way they act.

The man that makes me curse Katy Perry day in and day out is no longer a factor (blog coming soon). But there are plenty more. It starts as just one song, and then you find more that just describe you you feel, how they feel, or how they are making you feel @ that point in time. We have Katy Perry and Wilco for starters.

Wilco came about from no other conclusion then me thinking that someone is trying to break my heart- no, I'm not going into sob story mode here. I just think its an adequate description.

This is a theory I plan to put out there from time to time, and I'll connect the dots one by one.

One thing I do know is this crazy little thing called dating is rougher then I could have ever expected.