Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day, Loser!

Isn't it customary for a single person to complain about being single on Valentines Day?

Here is my custom then.

I actually got way too involved in everything else in my life to really think about the Hallmark Holiday today. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks, so I was at the Doctors Office today. I invested my energy otherwise in quitting smoking and getting prescriptions and catching up with a friend rather then dwelling on the fact that I had to feel good or bad about today.

The only thing that really occurred to me was the fact that its just a normal day to me and there was nothing special about it. D and I had this amazing evening planned where we got trashed and made fun of couples but I am neither in the health or have the funding to do this, so it really is just a normal Tuesday, other then the fact that my health sucks and Human Centipede 2 came out on DVD. I didn't get flowers today, but I never get flowers. I didn't get a card today, but I don't usually get cards. I didn't get candy today, but my mom bought me candy this past weekend since I was sick. For the first time, other then the annoying Facebook posts about what day it was, it was just a normal fucking day. For some reason, I found this amazing.

I have to say, a few things did cross my mind and maybe they always do and I just acknowledged them more due to the date. I recall getting flowers for Valentines Day, back when I had a someone special. I recall getting my heart broken several, several times in the past few weeks, months, years, and how each one of them felt, painful but completely different every time. I recall the single Valentines days of the past and how I wanted nothing more then to not be alone, and the fact that today I didn't really mind it quite so much because I have people who care about me, even if they aren't a boyfriend or a husband.

I know, we get a little serious, we get a little cheesy and I do plan to follow this up with a more lighthearted blog about a douche lord I dated, but for now I will just rejoice in the fact that its Valentines Day, I'm single and I don't want to kill myself.

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