Friday, February 1, 2013

Mr. No-Spark

So, I briefly touched on this guy with my last blog, but wanted to go a little more into detail, without boring you to death, cause, quite frankly, its a boring story.

I met this guy online (online dating..ftw?) and he seemed nice and we have common interests and OKCupid seemed to think that I would dig him so I tried to. I should have had a bad feeling about this when he messaged me one night when he was really drunk and was a bit obnoxious, but if anyone knows what its like to have obnoxious drunk fun, its this girl so I let it slide.

Key Points for date 1:
  • He seemed nervous the moment he saw me, not just a little 'first date nerves' but like super shaky and nervous.
  • We went to a nice restaurant, but 90% of the wait staff stopped to talk to me, particularly to comment (positively, mind you) on my tattoos, and this seemed to make him a bit uncomfortable. I tend to get some attention from people when I'm out, and I've grown ok with this. I'm polite and informative.
  • I carried the entire conversation through dinner. He seemed to have nothing to say unless I asked him a question.
  • We sat through a 3 hour movie, in which he tried to put his arm around me. Kinda familiar for someone who can't really form his half of a conversation around me, but ok.
  • The dreaded end of the night- he goes in for a kiss, to which I offer my cheek and only my cheek.
So, I kind of refuse to have a 'bad date'. I mean, most of the time, I'm at least getting a free meal out of it and I don't have a ton of free time so I may as well make the most of it, right? I'm not saying I had a BAD TIME. Hes very nice. but that's is.
At work, everyone asked how my date was. I responded with "he's very nice". they said "ohhh..that bad?". that's just how it goes.. at least maybe for me, I just don't have the chemistry I need when I come across these super nice, super laid back guys.

So, Mr No-Spark and I continue texting for a bit after said date, and when he asks me out again, I agree because I'm hoping maybe it was just nerves or something. He was really complimentary of me between dates, which was sweet, so whats the harm in seeing what happens?

Key Points for date 2:
  • It was the same as date 1.
Ok, well it wasn't exactly the same.. we talked shit on kids more, and I got a little more drunk, but If I don't feel it after 2 glasses of wine, there is nothing there to feel. The movie was worse this time around, and I was hoping he was realizing there wasn't this deep emotional connection coming from my side of the equation. But sometimes, men just don't get the hint, and when he leaned in to kiss me, it was insanely awkward. Insanely.

He continues to text me and want to see me again, and I am TERRIBLE at breaking things off. I realize its not going to happen, but I don't want to be mean to a nice guy, so I essentially bring up the fact that hes so nervous around me and that for a guy to be with a girl like me he needs to have a bit confidence then that and he takes the hint and backs off.

See.. I warned you it was boring but sometimes that's what dating is- boring. I think I had luck early on with dating- no everything didn't go magically wonderful, but there was sparks and chemistry flying around so that made it fun. I need the fun, the magic, the anticipation for a text. Those online dating... not FTW on this one.

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