Saturday, December 17, 2011

Creepy McCrybaby - Part 1

You meet all kinds of interesting people working in a bar. Sometimes, you meet a few crazies as well.

One night, 2 guys come into the bar. One is very quiet and the other is very loud and obnoxious. Mr. Obnoxious Pants decides it would be fun to hit on me and he is so over the top its ridiculous. He is very cocky and thinks he can get any girl he wants. So, since his friend is actually pretty cute, I start flirting with him just a little to get the other guy to shut up, and to put him in his place a little. The flirting works and the guy ends up asking for my number. He was a little touchy feely, just when I gave him a hug goodbye, but I knew (since I'm the bartender) that it was probably just an effect from the last Jagerbomb he did (red flag one. he takes the same shot as an underage girl).

Creepy ends up texting me a little bit later and asks if I would like to get together the next day, to which I say yes. No harm in getting to know the guy a little and seeing if there is anything there. He shows up at my house the next day (30 minutes late) and I'm watching Army of Darkness. 9 out of 10 times, in my house there is a movie on and 8 of those times its some form of horror. Now, I do this as a bit of a game when a guy is coming over to see if he can 'hang'. I don't want to break them in with Human Centipede so I usually go more mild, and AOD is soo much more mild and funny then a lot of the fucked up shit I watch. He walks in, and says 'what is this? why aren't we watching the Ohio State game?'... huh? what?? because its my fucking tv..that's why. I decide to be nice and put the game on, and we talk a little bit, I play along and root for Ohio State just because I don't really give a shit.

After a little while, he makes a move- which is harmless so I say ok, put your arm around me or hold my hand or whatever. Other then the tv thing, its going pretty well. We joked, we laughed.. I'm saying to myself that maybe there is a little potential here. But then, he gets hungry..and I'm hungry. he takes me to Wendy's. Now, I am not this insanely high maintenance person that I need a 4 star restaurant every night, but I am on weight watchers, which makes fast food difficult, and especially when we go there and he doesn't even pay for my Wendy's (red flags 2 and 3... I have no choice where we eat, and he doesn't even WENDY'S).

This is one of the few Saturday Nights I had to go to work at the bar. Come 7, we part ways and he goes to the mall stating that he may stop by at the bar later to see me. I was ok with this, because I thought the Wendy's thing was fixable if I explained a few things to him.

He shows up about 2 1/2 hours later and sits at the bar, watching me work, drinking beer all night. We talked a little, and he would go out with me on my cigarette breaks. I still thought it was ok. Wasn't great, but still..ok. until about midnight. Thats when shit hit the fan.

I'm outside smoking, and he comes out and sits next to me. We are by ourselves, and he suddenly just starts crying. Out of fucking nowhere, actual crying with tears and all that bullshit. I said "oh my god, whats up?" he said...and I quote.. "you make me so happy.. I am just so happy to be with you". I said "stop. stop it now."

Who the fuck does that? One, you are a 29 year old man CRYING on a first date..a kind of date even cause you didn't even buy me dinner and then you just sat and watched me work all night..which now that I type that, yeah, even creepier.

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