Sunday, December 25, 2011

ZombieTank- Part 3

My xmas gift to you... a conversation with ZombieTank via text.

ZT: wtwould a humancentapeid during a zobieapcalips
ME: whoa..what?

(then ZT tries to call)

ME: what part of text rather then call do you not understand?
ZT: ?
ME: why do you call me when I say to text and then call me a bitch on my voicemail?
ZT: inever calledu that. n Never left u a voicemail
ME: uh huh
ZT: can utalk?
ME: by text
ZT: k. why u think i said that?
ME: cause I had a voicemail from u saying "I'm a bitch who doesn't answer my phone" only you and 2 other people called me today and the voicemail is definitely a guys voice, and the other 2 were females.
ZT: was not me4 real Thats someone else4sure. icalled u butleft no message.
ZT: look thats a immature thing2 say (i did not say that.
ME: ok.
ZT: who calledu that?
ME: uhh.. no comment.
ZT: so u gonna answer?
ME: Logically, you called me that.
ZT: cal me?
ME: NO we've been over this buddy.
ZT: ok, well ru mad at me? N i suckat textinG. but i will try, check the date n voice2c who it is d creep u wrk wt.
ME: no, it was today and I know who called me today
ZT: did u tlk2 d outher2? 2c if someone used there phone?
ME: no but I heard the voicemails they left me.


I swear, this is totally how it went down. I'm thinking he mockingly said that I was a bitch and didn't realize my voicemail had picked up. And honest to god... that is how he types.


  1. ...Is he typing with his chin, or just missing like all his fingers and typing with his hand stubs? Because that is fucking ridiculous.

    Also, what a liar. Fucking moron. I hope you're not talking to this idiot anymore. Although... I do want to hear more about this ridiculous Zombie Tank idea. Since it's almost a worse idea than riding a horse into the middle of a zombie-infested city.... >.> Almost.

  2. oh... he's still a part of my life due to the fact he is such amazing material.
