Sunday, December 4, 2011

ZombieTank - Part 1

So this is a story about a guy I met in a bar one night. I thought he was kind of cute so I gave him my phone number and asked him to text me sometime. Apparently he interpreted that as call me, even though I HATE talking on the phone and receiving phone calls in general since both of my jobs make me be very social while at work. I'd rather just text in general.

The story goes as such: we met on Thursday, dude calls me on Saturday. He talks and talks about how he wants to hang out with me. For some reason, it takes about 3 weeks for us to hang out which I didn't really care about since I'm pretty busy anyways. He told me he wanted to come over and watch a movie on a Sunday night so we made plans, and that day he didn't get back to me for some reason- probably because I was texting him and he doesn't seem to know how to text.. He's like 29 and text illiterate.. red flag number one, right? I made other plans with a few friends and then dude calls me (naturally) saying he still wanted to hang out. I say that's fine, come over and watch a movie and The Walking Dead with my friends and I.

Dude shows up about a half hour early and for some reason, as most of my conversations eventually do, it turns to the zombie apocalypse. Dude is convinced that the best course of action would be to steal a tank and run down zombies. Now, if you know me at all you understand that for some reason, I have very definite opinions on the zombie apocalypse and how it should be dealt with when it happens. Also, I know my shit. I can back up my opinions with facts and figures.. and also this insert was put in so YOU can figure out some of the many issues with the ZombieTank idea. Read as such:

ZT: A tank is obviously the best course of action in the even that the zombies come.
Me: what? why? how?
ZT: because you can put food in there, you have ammo.
Me: and..lack of space for people so way to fly solo, ammo runs out, and also what about gas? gas will be an issue anyways and you are in a tank which will use a lot of gas to get from a to b. You'll run out of gas and possibly be surrounded by zombies, just like the tank in the first episode of The Walking Dead.
ZT: huh?
Me: still think its a good idea?
ZT: yeah.
Me: seriously? why.
ZT: cause its a tank.
Me: ok for reals.. you are a very serious liability in the event of a zombie attack and I don't think we should hang out anymore.

I know its shallow and silly even, but more importantly, dude refused to believe I may be more knowledgeable in a subject then him--even if it is the Zombie Apocalypse. I have plenty of stories about this guy, cause he really can't take a hint and they are too good to just put into this one blog so stay tuned.

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