Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The One That Got (went) Away

I wanted to always keep this lighthearted and fun, but sometimes dating isn't fun.

Its a simple story. Essentially, I've learned to pick and choose the people I trust very wisely, or at least I thought so. The first person I let myself trust after my separation, was most likely not my smartest choice. The kind of guy you meet that you know can have any girl he wants, and yet he was chasing me.
I protested slightly, but eventually gave in. I knew he was dangerous for someone like me, especially in the fragile state I was in. We went around twice, once splitting because of a confrontation, and the 2nd because he had feelings for someone else.
My friends want to cuss him or scream at him because it did hurt, and sometimes it still does hurt. I don't know what to believe. I know he gave me strength and courage to face this difficult world of dating. He helped me through a lot of insecurities, but part of me still has to wonder what could have, would have been.

Timing can be a bitch sometimes. I am of course leaving out so many crucial details, but what I like to think it comes down to is timing. He wasn't over someone, and I was desperate to get over someone. Notice, I didn't put part one or two or anything, its because I'm hoping this is the only moment of weakness I have in writing about something hurtful instead of something fun, though I know if I keep this up it won't be.

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